Rain Puns

53 Best Rain Puns Ideas-Good & Funny 2023

On a hot summer day, rain brings the cool breeze that everyone wants. Rain brings immense pleasure to the weather. A rainy day spends love in the weather. There is romance all around. As the rainy day is special, rain puns must be more special.

On a rainy day, people crave something crunchy with their evening tea or coffee. When the first drop of rain touches the soil, it sends a fragrance that smells like heaven on the earth. Birds become dancing, the leaf looks fresh. We see the changing nature. So many things happen on a rainy day. Post your favorite moments of rain with these rain puns.

Rain Puns

Rain Puns
  • It’s raining cats and dogs, now there are poodles everywhere.
  • What did one lightning bolt say to the other lightning bolt? “You’re shocking!”
  • What falls all the time and never gets hurt? Rain.
  • We all went out trying to catch fog, but we mist.
  • What does Santa often say to Mrs Claus? Come and look at the rain-dear.
  • When we were young, we had this myth that lightning bolts go all the way to cloud.
  • A man went to the gym today and met up with his new personal rainer.
  • How do you think cows keep each udder dry? They lie down in the rain of course.
  • What goes up while the rain goes down? An umbrella.
  • I’m not sure if I just got hit by freezing rain, but it hurt like hail.
  • Yesterday’s weather forecast predicted freezing rain, but it turned out to be quite an ice day.
  • Let’s take a trip down memory rain.
  • What do clouds wear under their pants? Thunderwear.
  • What does a book wear when the weather is bad? A rain quote.

Best Rain Puns

Rain Puns
  • Should we bring umbrellas for this weather? Of course, that’s a no-rainer.
  • Raindrop jokes? They are rain sailing.
  • What often falls but never gets hurt? Rain.
  • What do books wear on a wet and rainy day? Rain quotes.
  • We visit our parents every snow often.
  • Why do you need to be careful when it’s raining cats and dogs outside? Because you might step in a poodle!
  • Are bees able to fly in the rain? Not without their yellow jackets.
  • Let’s take a trip down memory rain.
  • In this life, nothing ventured, nothing rained.
  • Why do you see cows lying down in the rain? To keep each udder dry.
  • Why did the hurricane wear a monocle? It only had one eye!
  • What do you call a dinosaur that got stuck in the rain? A driplodocus.
  • What do raindrops say in a crowd? Two’s company, three’s a cloud.
  • I’m saving for a rainy day, so far I’ve collected a couple of raincoats, an anorak, and a dinghy.
  • A cold drink with dinner, it’s a no rainer.
  • A storm is coming, best get ready for the rain event.
  • What does a cloud wear under his raincoat? Thunderwear.

Good Rain Puns

Good Rain Puns
  • Bear with me, I’ve just had a rain-wave.
  • I’m not sure if I just got hit by freezing rain, but it hurt like hail.
  • How does one raindrop ask another out? “Water you doing tonight?”
  • Why do you never see owls being affectionate in the rain? It’s too wet to woo.
  • When it rains, cows normally lie down. The reason for this is to keep each udder dry.
  • What’s worse than it raining cats and dogs? Hailing taxis.
  • Why do you need to be careful when it’s raining cats and dogs outside? Because you might step in a poodle!
  • A cold drink with dinner, it’s a no rainer.
  • Want to know what the wettest animal on the planet is? A raindeer.
  • This rain could best be named after chickens and ducks. It is foul weather for sure.
  • The only war that can be fought in winter is the cold war.

Funny Rain Puns

Funny Rain Puns
  • A pilot did his flying exam just after a storm and flew right through a rain-bow.
  • How does a hurricane see? With its eye.
  • What is known as the world’s wettest animal? Rain-deer.
  • How could the skeleton tell that rain was coming? He could feel it in his bones.
  • It never rains, but it purrs.
  • Hailing taxes is far much worse than raining buckets.
  • What do you call it when it’s raining ducks and geese? Fowl weather.
  • The weather was forecast to rain for three months, but I drought it.
  • When I was young there was a myth that we were told about rain storms. Lighting bolts go all the way to cloud nine!
  • How does one raindrop ask another out? Water you doing tonight?
  • Bear with me, I’ve just had a rain-wave.
  • What is a wet bear called? A drizzly bear.

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